Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!

Objective:  SWBAT calculate the drag force on an object.

Warm Up:  Pick up one packet of notes.
What is terminal speed?  What factors do you think affect the terminal speed for any given object?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT draw freebody diagrams and interpret information contained in a free body diagram.

Warm Up:  Draw a free body diagram of a car parked on a hill.

Reminder-  all late work and extra credit must be turned in today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT review Newton's 3 Laws of motion.

Warm Up:  Pick up a packet of notes and a syllabus for this chapter.  List Newton's three laws of motion and give an example of each.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT review for tomorrow's test on 2D and uniform circular motion.

Warm Up: With your table partner, list at least 4 pieces of information that may be useful when solving problems involving projectiles launched at an angle.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1st Quarter Extra Credit

This 1956 commercial for Chevrolet shows a troupe of men driving regular Chevrolet cars, not the
“souped-up models.” They perform a variety of tricks including, at about 0:34, a jump from one ramp to
another. This is a simple projectile motion problem.  Using the video of the jump:
1)      Estimate the time of flight:

2)      Estimate the launch angle:

3)      Estimate the car’s speed:

4)      Calculate the range:

5)      Calculate ymax:


OK, so all week last week we did labs.

Objective:  SWBAT begin reviewing for Thursday's test.

Warm Up:  Turn in Ch 4 HW.    If centripetal acceleration = v^2/r and v= 2pir/T, derrive an equation for centripetal acceleration in terms of pi, r, and T.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT experimentally determine the range of a projectile launched horizontally.

Warm Up:  Pick up one handout.  Preread the lab.  Write a testable hypothesis.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT solve kinematic problems in 2 dimensions

Warm Up:  Pick up one handout.  What is the most important consideration to remember when solving kinematic problems in 2 (or more) D?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT review for tomorrow's test

Warm Up:  Get out yesterday's WS.  A plane takes off at 45 m/s at an elevation of 25 degrees above the horizontal.  If you wanted to film the underside of the plane as it rises, how fast would a truck with a camera need to travel to stay directly below the plane?  How long could you film before the plane reaches 1 km in height?  (Assume you start filming the second the plane takes off.)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT review for a test on vectors.

Warm Up:  Pick up one handout.  What is the difference between finding a dot product and finding a cross product of two vectors?  Which would you use if you just wanted to find the angle between two vectors?

Monday, October 3, 2011


Objective:  SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge of vectors on a quiz.

Warm Up:  Check your answers to the cross product problems from Thursday (get them out and I will switch to the ELMO momentarily).